What to Do About Your Sensitive Teeth

Sensitive teeth in women

Many people experience tooth sensitivity and often, they blame their ice cream or hot soup for it. But what many do not realize is that sometimes the cause of sensitive teeth is more than just hot and cold food.


Why Tooth Sensitivity Occurs

The part of your tooth that shows above the gumline is protected by enamel, while the root that is below the gumline is protected by cementum. Underneath both the enamel and the cementum is the dentin which is a lot less dense than the materials covering it. There are microscopic canals in the dentin called tubules. When either enamel or cementum gets damaged, the dentin is exposed and the tubules let fluid flow in them They are affected by heat and cold and causes the tooth nerves to have pain and sensitivity.

Enamel and cementum can wear away when you often eat and drink food and beverages that are too acidic. Aggressively brushing your teeth and using certain whitening products can also contributing to the wearing of your enamel. If you have hypersensitive teeth, though, tooth decay, fractured teeth, or worn fillings that expose more dentin may be the cause.


What Can You Do About It?

You can find some relief when you use desensitizing toothpaste. Your dentist can suggest some products that contain specific ingredients that can help protect the surface of your teeth. A fluoride gel treatment which helps strengthen your tooth enamel and decrease the sensations may also be recommended.

As we have mentioned, extremely sensitive teeth are usually caused by more complex problems. That is why it is important that you see your dentist at Pickering Square Dental to have the issue treated properly. Treatment options may include a crown, bonding or inlay, root canal, and others. If you are suffering from chronic or advanced gum disease, this will be treated as well.

Extremely hot and cold foods can usually trigger tooth sensitivity. However, if you are experiencing sensitivity along with other symptoms like pain when chewing, swollen gums, and loose teeth, your sensitive teeth may be caused by a different dental issue. Your Pickering Square Dental dentist can determine the real problem as well as the right treatment. Just like any other oral health concerns, you should not ignore sensitive teeth! Call Pickering Square Dental today and have an appointment scheduled!

What’s Causing Your Toothache?

There are a lot of different kinds of pain associated with toothaches.  Pain can be constant or intermittent, sharp or throbbing, and can be accompanied by other symptoms or be completely in isolation.  Whatever your pain toothaches are always unpleasant and are generally caused by one of a handful of issues.

Tooth Decay

Your toothache may be a direct result of holes in your teeth – cavities – caused by an acidic degradation of enamel.  If you get a toothache after eating something hot, cold, or sweet, this may be the cause.  See if the hurting tooth is visible in a mirror and you may be able to spot the decay.


One of the more painful forms of toothache is an infection between the gum and the tooth or right at the tooth’s root.  This is called an abscessed tooth and is the result of extreme tooth decay.  An abscessed tooth is often accompanied by other symptoms like pain when chewing, foul breath, gum swelling, fever, and many others. 

Gum Disease

Periodontitis – a more severe form of gingivitis – is caused when the inner layers of the gum pull away from the teeth and form spaces that can become infected by collected debris.  This can create pain which can lead to the feeling of a toothache.


Aches can be caused by injury to the teeth.  A fracture can create an issue in the nerve below the teeth causing severe pain.  Additionally a pre-existing filling may be damaged as well which can create issues of its own.

Other Causes

The other main cause for toothaches tends to be repetitive motions like grinding teeth or chewing gum.  This can create what feels like muscle pain when trying to move your jaw or bite down.  Also, you may feel a sharp tingling when drinking something too hot or too cold and that may be due to teeth sensitivity caused by some nerves being exposed at your gum line – switch to a toothpaste for sensitive teeth for some help with that.

Regardless of your type or cause of toothache there are some important things to keep in mind.  If your toothache is severe, lasts longer than 1 or 2 days, or is accompanied by a fever, earache, or pain when opening your mouth wide, see a dentist as soon as possible.  The toothache may be very serious and left unattended the cause could be detrimental to your health.  If you have a toothache and need a great dentist to take a look at it contact Pickering Square Dental today.  We’d be happy to help.