Great Dental Stocking Stuffers

It’s always a good time to teach kids about proper dental care.  You know that and Santa does too.  That’s why every opportunity to help your kids learn more about how to keep their teeth clean and bright is a good one.  When Christmas morning comes there are certainly worse things to find stuffed in their stocking then a selection of the great choices below.  

  • Toothbrushes.  You can get them a great (soft-bristled) toothbrush but there are plenty of brushes branded with cartoon characters your kids might love as well.  If they’re a little older you might want to try gifting them with their first electric toothbrush to see if they like the feel of it.  If your kid spends time at sleepovers or at camp grab them a cool toothbrush case as well.
  • Floss.  Flavored dental floss is always a favorite but you might want to put in some interdental picks as well.  Give them the opportunity to choose what they might like to use to clean between their teeth.
  • Sugar-free gum.  A classic favourite.  Kids love gum, and you’ll love that this gum is actually good for their teeth.  Still tastes great, too.
  • Other stuff.  If you’re looking for longer term dental care options you can always throw in a ‘certificate’ you make for something they want, like professional whitening, or a custom mouth guard, that they can ‘cash in’ at the dentist.

The holidays are for families and there’s precious moments in watching kids (and adults) open up their stockings.  If you fill it with the things that will help their teeth they’ll be the gifts that keep on giving.  If you’re looking for a full-service family dentistry for you and your little ones contact us at Pickering Square Dental today.

Tooth-friendly Treats on Halloween

As October’s end approaches the days are getting shorter, the leaves are starting to fall, and it’s just about time for little ghosts and goblins to start making their way from door-to-door in search of tricks or treats.  Halloween is one of the best kid holidays of the year – dressing up, going out at night, and getting free candy – what’s not to like?  However, as with many things kids enjoy a candy-based holiday like Halloween doesn’t always have the best impact on dental health.  It’s our responsibility to make sure that whatever candy they do have doesn’t result in cavities.

Things to Give Out

Sugar-free candy is your best bet for helping out visiting spectres and superheroes with keeping their dental hygiene in good standing.  Sugarless gum is a great choice as well as the chewing action can help fight bacteria through increased saliva production.  Let’s be honest though, we remember what it felt like when we got to the house that gave out raisins for Halloween.  We did not care for it.  You may not want to be the neighbour that gives out sugar-free gum.  So if you’re looking for something the kids will love that will cause the least issues with their teeth you should go with something chocolate.  The chocolate melts quickly in comparison to harder candies and therefore does less harm.  Avoid chocolates with sticky centres and you’ll make both the kids and their dentists happy.

Dealing with What Your Kids Bring Home

The other side of the Halloween coin is the haul your kids bring in from their evening adventure.  This can vary in size and quality greatly depending on your neighbours and your child’s work ethic.  Of course eating all that candy right away can create issues for their teeth and for their tummy so it’s best to take action to make sure that doesn’t happen.  The first step, favoured by parents for years, is to divide the candy into increments to be enjoyed throughout the month.  Once this is done don’t let them snack on it throughout the day as that can had adverse effects on their dental health – set it up as a dessert after a bigger meal. 

Additionally you can attempt to get them to trade some candy, perhaps for a little bit of change for their piggy bank or for something else they might want.  Use your imagination to get a little more candy out of their hands to protect them in the long run.  That said, don’t go eating all that candy yourself.  What goes for kids’ teeth goes for yours too!

If you’re looking to get your teeth checked out after too much sugar that may or may not have been related to Halloween, the team here at Pickering Square Dental is ready to help.  Contact us today.