Frequently Asked Questions
Pickering Family Dentistry - Pickering Square Dental
Check out some of the questions below:
Q: Can I Replace an Old Crown that Looks Unnatural? Many of our patients have asked us about replacing very old crowns that have deteriorated or crowns that do not blend well with their natural teeth.
A: One of our skilled dentists will ensure that the colour and shade is matched and the crown is shaped precisely for a very natural, indistinguishable appearance.
Q: What is periodontal disease? Periodontal disease is an infectious and inflammatory disease which destroys the periodontal tissues. These tissues consist of the gums and the bone that support the teeth. It is a gum and bone disease. Periodontal disease affects 3 out of 4 adults. It is caused by a growing colony of living bacteria called ?plaque?. The greatest cause of adult tooth loss is periodontal disease.
A: If detected in the early stages, periodontal disease can be treated and controlled.
Q: Are you accepting new patients?
A: Yes. Pickering Square Dental continues to grow and continues to accept new patients. If you are considering a new dentist for you and your family, we invite you to stop by to meet our team and take a tour of our office or to schedule an appointment. Why is it important that I visit my dentist every 6 months? We recommend that patients visit our office at least twice yearly to ensure optimal oral and general health and to help avoid serious and costly future problems. In addition to cleaning and polishing all the visible and hidden surfaces of your teeth, we also check for many potential problems. Tooth decay, oral cancer and periodontal (gum) disease are just a few examples of problems that can have serious consequences if left undetected. In certain cases, we may even recommend 3 or 4 visits per year in order to prevent and minimize periodontal and systemic diseases.
Maintaining a regular appointment schedule with your dentist isn’t just good for your teeth, it?s an important part of your overall health. Is it true that Dr. Marvin Lean is a dentist to the Toronto Maple Leafs? Yes. Dr. Lean has been providing dental care to the Toronto Maple Leafs hockey team. He is the official dentist to the Toronto Maple Leafs with 2005 being his 1st season providing dental services for our Toronto team. When should a child have its first visit to the dentist? Recent studies have shown that by the age of three, a child is already at risk of having cavities which can be caused by something as innocent as putting a baby to sleep with a bottle of juice or milk. Along with taking our first look at your child?s oral condition, this first appointment is also largely focused on the parents and helping them to establish a good oral hygiene program and diet for the child. We believe that a child should have his or her first dental visit by the age of 3.
It is a little known fact that a child’s primary teeth are vital to the long-term health of their permanent adult teeth. The premature loss of primary teeth as a result of accidents or decay can cause serious problems, including poorly spaced and crooked adult teeth. As a result, it is just as important to care for a child’s baby teeth as it is for the adult teeth that follow.
Currently accepting new patients!
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(905) 420-1777

We are accepting new patients! Pickering Square Dental continues to grow and continues to accept new patients. If you are considering a new dentist for you and your family, we invite you to stop by to meet our team and take a tour of our office or to schedule an appointment.